2024 Crop Tour
Aug 22, 2024

Our account managers took over 800 samples between Iowa and Illinois, on August 19th through the 22nd. The summary of yield averages are shown below, providing insights into potential corn and soybean production.
To view updates from this past week on social media, visit the RVCTwitter account @RVCooperative or search the hashtag #RVCcroptour24
Over the last several weeks, account managers in our trade territory took to the fields, taking a glimpse at what we might have in our bins this fall. This growing season has been a lot different than what we were up against last year.
When we look back at planting, we had a variable spring with a mix of wet and dry conditions. Initially the early spring rain caused some delays, but as the season progressed the weather became more favorable for planting. As the growing season continued, most of the area received timely rains to keep the crop in check. In comparison to other years, we really lucked out with not only the amount of rain we received, but the temperatures have been almost perfect.
With the weather conditions that we saw, we are seeing a few diseases pop up as we near the finish line. One of the main diseases that we saw in corn this year was tar spot; even though this disease came about in 2015, there are a few preventative measures that you can take including fungicide. Although this tour is primarily focused on corn, we would also like to shed light on diseases that we are seeing in soybeans as well. Two of the most common diseases that we are currently seeing in soybeans are white mold and sudden death. Overall, foliar diseases are present but are not progressing like we thought they would with the cooler, wetter weather. Diseases can impact yield significantly, so it is important to take preventative steps early in the season to protect your bottom line.
As the River Valley team was conducting yield checks, a number of us came across nitrogen deficiencies. It is normal to see some nitrogen deficiency at this point in the season since we are at the peak, however there are a few other things to take into account. We mentioned before that we have received a great amount of rain this season and water has a tendency to “push” the nitrogen out of our soil profile. Another item to take into consideration is if a stabilizer was used. Stabilizers prevent the conversion of nitrogen to nitrate (the mobile form). It is important to invest in your crop to get a crop out of it, so ask your trusted agronomy account manager to ensure you are applying the correct rate!
In summary, looking at the crop tour in the last week, yields are looking impressive. We’ve had adequate rainfall and warm temperatures contributing to great crop development. The grain fill period is shaping up to be tremendous and we are expecting higher yields than we saw in 2023. Weeds, insects, and diseases are there, and although many of us dread it, we need a cold winter with a hard frost before it snows so we can start fresh in the spring.
Iowa Crop Tour Update
Across the River Valley Cooperative trade area in Iowa, 420 samples were taken and averaged. Overall, we have a good crop: 223.4 BPA average across all Iowa samples.
We saw variability throughout the counties sampled on the Iowa side of the crop tour. Our northern region showed more tip back, but in general, corn is looking better this year compared to last growing season. Mid to late May plated corn is just starting to dent, everything else is fully dented. As we enter the next few weeks, weather looks to be on our side to finish this crop out.
Population in the corn fields was variable and the biggest factor in overall yield checks. Populations ranged from 27 up to 37. Fields that were planted into wetter soil conditions this spring look to be off a few thousand plants per acre. Ear counts were good, with limited pollination issues. Ear girth ranged from 14-20. Ear length 25-45.
The big question that remains as the growing season comes to a close is kernel depth. Some areas are better than expected where others are on the smaller side compared to 2023.
Illinois Crop Tour Update
The Illinois River Valley Cooperative Crop Tour featured 440 samples taken from area fields. The crop overall looked healthy, with a 220.5 BPA.
Population in the corn fields was again the biggest factor in overall yield checks. Populations ranged from 27k up to 37k. Overall, stands were solid at 32-33k average.
A large portion of our Illinois territory received two hail/windstorms throughout the growing season this year. With the hail and wind, a substantial amount of green snap is being seen. Most fields have some stalks that are broke off mostly above the ear. The ear that is still there is small and not being counted, really hurting population counts. In the Camp Grove area, 10% of the crop in the field was impacted and over towards Broadmoor and Bradford we are looking at 50 to 60% with some areas 100% down.
Yields were variable at times, but overall, we found a record yield estimate for this region of Illinois. 220.5 BPA is a crop tour record and is up 13 bushels from last year. The stand was excellent, with the exception of our southern regions. Overall, the crop appears to be very healthy across the area!
Based on crop tour results, our RVC team is gearing up to assist customers as they plan and make strategic decisions for 2025.
To view updates from this past week on social media, visit the RVCTwitter account @RVCooperative or search the hashtag #RVCcroptour24
Over the last several weeks, account managers in our trade territory took to the fields, taking a glimpse at what we might have in our bins this fall. This growing season has been a lot different than what we were up against last year.
When we look back at planting, we had a variable spring with a mix of wet and dry conditions. Initially the early spring rain caused some delays, but as the season progressed the weather became more favorable for planting. As the growing season continued, most of the area received timely rains to keep the crop in check. In comparison to other years, we really lucked out with not only the amount of rain we received, but the temperatures have been almost perfect.
With the weather conditions that we saw, we are seeing a few diseases pop up as we near the finish line. One of the main diseases that we saw in corn this year was tar spot; even though this disease came about in 2015, there are a few preventative measures that you can take including fungicide. Although this tour is primarily focused on corn, we would also like to shed light on diseases that we are seeing in soybeans as well. Two of the most common diseases that we are currently seeing in soybeans are white mold and sudden death. Overall, foliar diseases are present but are not progressing like we thought they would with the cooler, wetter weather. Diseases can impact yield significantly, so it is important to take preventative steps early in the season to protect your bottom line.
As the River Valley team was conducting yield checks, a number of us came across nitrogen deficiencies. It is normal to see some nitrogen deficiency at this point in the season since we are at the peak, however there are a few other things to take into account. We mentioned before that we have received a great amount of rain this season and water has a tendency to “push” the nitrogen out of our soil profile. Another item to take into consideration is if a stabilizer was used. Stabilizers prevent the conversion of nitrogen to nitrate (the mobile form). It is important to invest in your crop to get a crop out of it, so ask your trusted agronomy account manager to ensure you are applying the correct rate!
In summary, looking at the crop tour in the last week, yields are looking impressive. We’ve had adequate rainfall and warm temperatures contributing to great crop development. The grain fill period is shaping up to be tremendous and we are expecting higher yields than we saw in 2023. Weeds, insects, and diseases are there, and although many of us dread it, we need a cold winter with a hard frost before it snows so we can start fresh in the spring.
Iowa Crop Tour Update
Across the River Valley Cooperative trade area in Iowa, 420 samples were taken and averaged. Overall, we have a good crop: 223.4 BPA average across all Iowa samples.
We saw variability throughout the counties sampled on the Iowa side of the crop tour. Our northern region showed more tip back, but in general, corn is looking better this year compared to last growing season. Mid to late May plated corn is just starting to dent, everything else is fully dented. As we enter the next few weeks, weather looks to be on our side to finish this crop out.
Population in the corn fields was variable and the biggest factor in overall yield checks. Populations ranged from 27 up to 37. Fields that were planted into wetter soil conditions this spring look to be off a few thousand plants per acre. Ear counts were good, with limited pollination issues. Ear girth ranged from 14-20. Ear length 25-45.
The big question that remains as the growing season comes to a close is kernel depth. Some areas are better than expected where others are on the smaller side compared to 2023.
Illinois Crop Tour Update
The Illinois River Valley Cooperative Crop Tour featured 440 samples taken from area fields. The crop overall looked healthy, with a 220.5 BPA.
Population in the corn fields was again the biggest factor in overall yield checks. Populations ranged from 27k up to 37k. Overall, stands were solid at 32-33k average.
A large portion of our Illinois territory received two hail/windstorms throughout the growing season this year. With the hail and wind, a substantial amount of green snap is being seen. Most fields have some stalks that are broke off mostly above the ear. The ear that is still there is small and not being counted, really hurting population counts. In the Camp Grove area, 10% of the crop in the field was impacted and over towards Broadmoor and Bradford we are looking at 50 to 60% with some areas 100% down.
Yields were variable at times, but overall, we found a record yield estimate for this region of Illinois. 220.5 BPA is a crop tour record and is up 13 bushels from last year. The stand was excellent, with the exception of our southern regions. Overall, the crop appears to be very healthy across the area!
Based on crop tour results, our RVC team is gearing up to assist customers as they plan and make strategic decisions for 2025.